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El confundador de Greenpeace a favor de la energia nuclear

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Identificado: 15/09/2005
Mensajes: 106
Dr. Patrick Moore Attends UN Climate Change Conference

GSL Chair, Greenpeace Co-Founder, Attends UN Climate Change Conference: Says Nuclear ‘Part of Sustainable Future’

Montreal, December 5, 2005 – Dr. Patrick Moore, Chairman and Chief Scientist of Greenspirit Strategies Ltd. and Co-Founder of Greenpeace, will attend the UN Climate Change ‘Conference of the Parties” in Montreal on December 5, 6 & 7 for a revitalized program of developing alternative energy sources to reduce the need to burn oil, natural gas and coal in electricity generation.

Moore, who broke with Greenpeace in the mid-1980s after spending 15 years in its top committee, says energy decisions must be based more on science, and less on politics and emotion. Moore calls nuclear energy “the only non-greenhouse-gas-emitting power source that can effectively replace fossil fuels and satisfy global demand.”

“There is now a great deal of scientific evidence showing nuclear power to be an environmentally sound and safe choice,” Moore says. He believes his former colleagues at Greenpeace are unrealistic in their call for a phasing out of both coal and nuclear power worldwide, as Greenpeace has called for in Ontario, for example.

“There are simply not enough available forms of alternative energy to replace both of them together. Given a choice between nuclear on the one hand and coal, oil and natural gas on the other, nuclear energy is by far the best option as it emits neither CO2 nor any other air pollutants.”

Greenspirit Strategies Ltd., a sustainability consulting firm, is based in Vancouver, BC, Canada. GSL President Tom Tevlin and Dr. Moore will be at the conference site and available by mobile phone. Please call Tom if you would like to arrange an interview.

Estado: desconectado


Forum User
Miembro regular
Identificado: 15/09/2005
Mensajes: 106

Interesante link, donde dice por país, quién tiene energia nuclear, plantas, en construcción y planeadas.

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