Bienvenido(a) a Crisis Energética, Anonymous Jueves, 02 Mayo 2024 @ 01:27 CEST

Crisis Energética Foros

Baterias de flujo

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Identificado: 04/09/2005
Mensajes: 1882
En ingles suena mejor: Flow battery.
Almacena energia electroquimica que se transforma en energia electrica. Se suele utilizar sulfato de vanadio.
La reccion es reversible, es algo parecido a las celulas de hidrogeno pero con menos inconvenientes.
Las principales aplicaciones posibles serian:
-almacenamiento de energias renovables discontinuas como la solar o la eolica, incluso para varios Mwh.
-Vehiculos electricos. Tiene la ventaja que se puede "cargar" la bateria cambiando el electrolito, que es una solucion liquida.

Como siempre he dicho, la utilizacion de la electricidad en el transporte tiene la enorme ventaja de ser mucho mas eficiente que la termica, entre dos y tres veces mayor. Aparte de la contaminacion...
Os pongo un poco del articulo de wikipedia:


Taking the above considerations together it should be apparent that flow batteries are normally considered for relatively large (1 kW - many MW) stationary applications. These are load levelling, where the battery is used to store cheap night-time electricity and provide electricity when it is more costly, as well as storing energy from renewable sources such as wind or solar for discharge during periods of peak demand; peak shaving, where spikes of demand are met by the battery; and UPS, where the battery is used if the main power fails to provide an uninterrupted supply.

Because flow batteries can be rapidly "recharged" by replacing the electrolyte, they have been proposed for electric vehicles, and the use of vanadium redox flow batteries for load levelling in wind farm applications is already showing promise.

A further potential application for redox flow batteries lies in the fact that all cells share the same electrolyte/s. Therefore, the electrolyte/s may be charged using a given number of cells and discharged with a different number. Because the voltage of the battery is proportional to the number of cells used the battery can therefore act as a very powerful dc-dc converter. In addition, if the number of cells is continuously changed (on the input and/ or output side) power conversion can also be ac-dc, ac-ac or dc-ac, with the frequency limited by that of the switching gear


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