Bienvenido(a) a Crisis Energética, Anonymous Viernes, 17 Enero 2025 @ 17:51 CET
Presentaciones de ASPO VII Barcelona
Daniel Gómez President of ASPO Spain |
Welcome address | N/A |
Kjell Aleklett President of ASPO International. Professor of the University of Uppsala. |
Welcome address. | PDF file, 3,3MB |
Josep Huguet Head of the Department of Innovation, University and Enterprise of the Generalitat de Catalunya |
Welcome address | N/A |
Kjell Aleklett President of ASPO International. Professor of the University of Uppsala. |
Peak Oil and Economical Growth in Africa. | PDF file, 4MB |
Carlos de Castro Ass. Professor Dept. Applied Physics, University of Valladolid. |
World Energy-economy scenarios with system dynamics modelling. | PDF file, 1,5MB |
Salvador Pueyo Catalan Institute for Climate Sciences. |
A simple ‘Epidemic’ Model of Oil Depletion. | PDF file, 2,5MB |
Jean Laherrere & Jean-Luc Wingert Founder of ASPO & Consultant and author of "La vie apres le pétrole". |
Forecast of liquids production assuming strong economic constraints. (Lahèrrere & Wingert) | PDF file, 3,2MB |
Ret. Hon. Edward Schreyer Former Governor General of Canada. Chairman pro tem of ASPO Canada. |
Energy Sources in North America: Use and Misuse. Priorities postponed and/or Inverted. | N/A |
Mariano Marzo Professor of Energy Resources, University of Barcelona. |
Gas Supply Security in Spain. | PDF file, 3,7MB |
Stephen Hamilton-Bergin Writer |
Prelude to the panel | N/A |
Luis de Sousa ASPO Portugal / The Oil Drum |
World Oil Exports | PDF file, 4MB |
Andrew McKillop Consultant IMH Associates. |
Global Energy Transition Plan and Programme. | PDF file, 932KB |
Chris Skrebowski Consulting Editor Petroleum Review. Director Peak Oil Consulting Limited. |
Entering the Foothills of Peak Oil. | PDF file, 2,5MB |
Ugo Bardi Professor University of Florence. President of ASPO Italy. |
The Earth’s mineral resources: an energy analysis. | PDF file, 12,4MB |
Marcel Coderch Sustainable Development Commission of Catalonia. |
The Nuclear Illusion. | PDF file, 1,2MB |
Richard Lawrence ASPO USA |
ASPO USA Conference wrap-up | N/A |
Victor Bronstein Centro de Estudios de Energía, Política y Sociedad. ASPO Argentina. |
Peak Oil and Policy in Latin America. | PDF file, 188KB |
Colin Campbell Honorary President of ASPO. |
Peak Oil: A Turning Point for Mankind. | PDF file, 9,3MB |
Luca Barillaro Energy Trader, Studio Barillaro. |
Financial players and products: how speculative behaviour manipulates the energy market. Remedies and problems. | PDF file, 3,8MB |
Albert Morcego Head of the Energy Outlook Program of ICAEN |
Energy Plan for Catalonia | N/A |
Jérôme Guillet Head of Energy, Dexia. |
Offshore Wind: Options for non Recourse Financing. | PDF file, 3,4MB |
Charles A. S. Hall Professor, University of Syracusa. |
Economic implications of changing EROI ratios. | PDF file, 30,4MB |
Mario Giampietro Research Professor, Institute of Environmental Science and Technology, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona. |
A reality check on the feasibility and desirability of biofuels as an alternative to fossil energy fuels. |
PDF file, 9,9MB |
Bob Lloyd Director of Energy Studies, University of Otago Dunedin, New Zealand. |
The Growth Delusion: Why we don’t want to believe in Peak Oil and Climate Change. | PDF file, 18,9MB |
Gonzalo Piernavieja Izquierdo Director of the R&D Division. Canary Islands Institute of Technology. |
Wind/Pumped-Hydro Power Station for El Hierro Island. Goal: 100% Renewable Energies. | PDF file, 36MB |
Richard Meyer Head of Technical Analysis Concentrating Solar Power, EPURON GmbH. |
The potential of solar energy to replace decreasing extraction rates of fossil fuels. | PDF file, 6,3MB |
José Luis García Ortega Greenpeace Spain. |
Renewable Revolution. | PDF file, 1,5MB |
Juan Requejo Liberal Planning Consultant. Arenal Consulting Group. Asistencias Técnicas Clave |
The Territory Recovery Factor in an energy scenario based on local resources. | PDF file, 61,2MB |
Pedro A. Prieto Pérez Vice president AEREN-ASPO Spain. |
Solar + Wind in Spain/ World. Closing the growing gap? | PDF file, 4,2MB |
Última Edición: Domingo, 08 Mayo 2016 @ 13:31 CEST| Hits: 8.883