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Matt Simmons: BP y el gobierno de EEUU mienten sobre la fuga principal en el Golfo [2]

  • Jueves, 22 Julio 2010 @ 11:53 CEST
  • Autor:
  • Lecturas 2.202

El 21 de julio en Bloomberg TV, Matt Simmons vuelve a repetir sus sospechas:

He says BP fabricates the biggest environmental cover-up and suspects there is much more lasting damage the oil giant has not yet made public.

BP said today that pressure on the new cap placed on the well had continued to increase, which is generally a good sign, as it suggests the cap may have stopped the leak.

But when asked about the latest pressure reading BP has offered — 6,844 psi, up from yesterday’s 6,825 — Simmons dismissed the figure out of hand.

“It’s a total diversion - that’s the gas condensation that was trapped in the drilling riser which blew off the wellhead,” said Simmons.

“What we don’t know anything about is the open hole which is caused by the drill bit when it tossed the blow-out preventer way out of the hole…
El silencio de BP ante estas grave acusaciones puede ser una muestra más de que Simmons tiene razón:
Finally, with this as background, listen to Matt Simmons' interview. He has made statements that sound libelous to me. It is as if he is daring BP to sue him. If I were BP, I would take him to court if these accusations are not true. He is accusing them of criminal acts. But BP is pretending he does not exist.